My home decorating is complete. Almost. Anyway, we've had a coupla family and friends get-togethers and everyone seemed to have nice things to say about the place. I can't seem to take good photos of the place. Somehow its hard to capture the feel of it. I do want to post some photos so I can get some feedback. I mean it doesnt really just represent MY taste. It's a combination of both of ours... the big stuff, some old and some new were mostly chosen by HIM and OKed by me, so technically its not a representation of what i would have done, if i were living alone.... but that applies to just about every couple i guess. Overall i am pretty satisfied with what we have done to our lil cosy nest. It feels warm and indeed cosy to me... i wont say anything more till i get some photos posted.
so this seems to be kind of an empty blabbery post. just wanted to say hi... to whoever reads this, who are you anyway?! I do read the blogs on my blogroll list almost daily... its a habit. I wish i had another room to start decorating... (and the budget of course) there is just no more space here for now... maybe in a year or two, we will update the place, with new couches and paint.

PS - i did get hitched. Here, lemme post a photo (or three) we took on the way home from the mayors office.(we had a political wedding) I had 24-hour notice, of the date we were to be married at the mayor's. I was pretty satisfied with the 'party-favors' i made... gold box with matching ribbon and paper flower... traditional sweets inside with our initials in greek letters, handwritten inside the box. Also had to take the photos myself... it was pretty funny esp when i had to sign the wedding paper, then run to the side of the table to take a quick snap of the others. My dress was made in advance by my dear pal Daljeet. She does custom tailoring... msg me for her ebay/etsy store- heck i should add it to the links. ...coming sooon. Its late. night dears..... have a great day, week, month... 2008